The other day, while browsing I ran
across something that truly astonished me. You know me well enough to know that
such an occasion is quite rare; there is nothing much in the universe that has
that WOW quality. But, that's what I said when I came across how science views
When still a lad, I asked my mother
about it and she gave me to understand, it had to do with readiness for conception
and how the old eggs had to be flushed away. That was enough to keep me going
and her wisdom was confirmed by what I learned and believed until I read that
fascinating article.
First, the human female is the only
one that menstruates. Our brethren, the great and lesser apes do not nor do
lions and tigers and bears. The human, female animal is unique … and no one
knows why. The explanations offered fall flat once the comparison with other
animals is considered. If it is good for the human female, why is it not for
the other animals? Conversely, if menstruating is not good for the others, why
not for our lovelies?
For reasons unknown, obviously
menstruation evolved for survival; perhaps someday evolution science will
figure it out.
Women continue to be a puzzle. Freud
famously said, “What do women want?” Eve was seduced by the snake and seduced
Adam into sinning so it is said we stagger around in reality rather than live
in our original home, tranquil Eden. Adam was happy where he was, but Eve talked
him into sin and that fantasized pattern has persisted throughout history. But,
we are in the midst of a great revolution, which struggles to give women their
equal status in society. Hey, they are finally considered competent to kill
alongside our men: but, variations of Freud's question persist. It is built
into our social structure that men have to watch out because women will lead
them astray. Religions preach this as capital t Truth.
Some argue there is no difference
between men and women except for what biology has determined they will wear, a
female or a male body. There are some, a bit loony I think, who argue that
whether male or female, is a consequence of social determination, not biology.
Yet, evolutionary science has slowly sorted out some important differences.
Apparently, we and most all other animals would not have survived if men and
women were designed for the same tasks. If everyone hunted or everyone tended
the baby, it would take but a generation to eliminate us.
In general, females wound up as infant
protectors and champions. Otherwise, the men might eat the helpless creatures;
you know the rule, never get close to a mother and her cubs.
But, baby tending meant she would go
hungry unless she had an accomplice in life, a man will to give her a portion
of food so she and hence the infant could survive. So, unless women are in heat
when they prefer a physically attractive male, they prefer one who can provide
for her and the child. Man’s evolutionary role is to knock up as many women as
possible and to accept responsibility for protecting his offspring. He will
kill to protect his spawn and to keep his female from procreating with others.
For men, life is thus simpler. Women have to be clever enough to find the right
kind of man who will produce a child, support her and make sure he protects her
and kid. Men just want to get laid; when the baby appears that urge is often
thwarted. No wonder men don't trust women; they know every other male is out
there trying to do the same thing and don't understand that women prefer
Civilization provides a mechanism for
sorting out and regularizing the family while permitting the gratification of
both men and women. Alas, civilization is a shaky construct and the rules
change over time. What confusion! And scientists have not yet figured out that
core event in women's lives, their monthly obeisance to the moon. Perhaps, just
perhaps science will finally get it and Freud answered.
Women are surely unique.
To understand them is like studying
Their language seems plain
But here I maintain
You'd do better at hide and go seek.