Monday, November 5, 2012

ABORTION: A Great American Tragedy

I was going to rant about setting up a new wireless printer, but it turns out that on the way I became enmeshed in the tragedy of abortion. The damned issue was settled years ago when it became legal and socially acceptable. Of course, the wing-nuts, the Yahoos, and the religiously constipated did not agree and they sniped away gradually making abortion harder to get … especially for poor women. Still, it remains legal, at least for now. Someone has unleashed the screwballs.

We are, astonishing to contemplate a nation of scientific ignoramuses and worse a large part of our citizenry are adamantly opposed to scientific findings. Creationists insist the earth is 6 thousand years old (some argue for ten thousand years), there is no such thing as global warming or humanity's contribution to that incipient disaster, or the Big Bang, or evolution or safe vaccination … the list goes on. And, Mr. Boob, a US Senate aspirant says that raped women's bodies protect them from conception and lately a senatorial candidate tells us that if a raped woman conceives it is “God's will,” and thus must not be interrupted of completion.

Well, the religiously constipated are entitled to their absurdities, but when they attempt to foister their beliefs on the rest of us they are beyond arrogance. Assuming they are correct, that God wants a raped woman to bear a consequent child, what does that make the rapist? Clearly, doing God's will should give him special status in our society. Church bells should peal on Rapist day and medals honoring their religious zeal be strewn upon them. Speeches? Of course. “I saw this woman, realized she was the perfect vessel for God's grace and so I did my part. Of course, she complained but God must be served.”

But, what shall we do if there is no conception? Is that also God's will, did God act as a selective contraceptant choosing who would and would not bear his ordained children? No, that makes no sense because we all know that God wants a multitude of children: “Be fruitful and populate the earth,” (or something like that) is His command. (It's no surprise that God is a male.)

If there is no conception, it is clear that the rapist failed at his task and it is that failure that should be punished. What, you say there are a multitude of reasons that conception fails, how can he have failed? That would be his defense, but to no avail. No conception is no conception and throw the book at him!

The tea party has dredged up from the slimy bottom of the river the most bizarre collection of nut cakes ever to run for office. Never mind that they have no use for the truth (notice the small “t”) they actively reject it. When I think about such boobs occupying office, I tremble and wonder about the viability of our republic. Where do they come from and in their crowd I include Romney. If a fetus is a person, Ryan is right, a consequence of rape, or incest is a person and deserves life, liberty and property. Romney slithers around in his attempt to appear moderate. Fetus as person is a religious idea. God provides a soul at the moment of conception. But, history tells us of the many attempts to define “person,” all failed; it is pure arrogance for anyone to argue she/he knows the truth.

It should take only a moment of reflection
To understand that the consequence of conception
Is no more than a fetus
But lest the Yahoos defeat us
Lets give them all a resounding rejection

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