Sunday, October 16, 2011


Animal Fun

That we are animals is not in doubt, that we are purely animals is difficult for some people who prefer and insist there is more to our lives than that. And, it is extraordinary how the two positions come into conflict, how our world rotates around one or the other.
The ancient Greeks wondered about the nature of humanity and how to live the good live. Epicurus argued that we should enjoy life, that pleasure is good and the denial of pleasure foolish. While he argued that all pleasure is good, he also pointed out that not all pleasure is good for you. Epictetus, the Stoic, argued that passions are a major error and we should be in control of them.
The ancient gods, Greek and Roman, reflected these themes. The Greeks had Bacchanals during which boozing and sexing were the major activities. There were Venus v. Athene, polar opposites, one representing sexual expression, the other intellectual pursuits.
The Christian founders and the general public believed the world would come to an end in their lifetimes so the pursuit of pleasure was downgraded. The pleasure seeking path never leads to heaven. Marriage was thought to be unnecessary and never for pleasure. The aim was to prepare for the end by strengthening spiritual attitudes thus to prepare for facing god. The pursuit of pleasure could easily disrupt such aspirations. And, clearly, the pursuit of pleasure would disrupt religious discipline and perhaps toss the leaders out of work.
The origins of Judaism faced different problems, but it became necessary to curtail pleasure seeking lest it interfere with worship. The commandments are only ten of over 600 laws which must be obeyed. Obviously, the more laws the less opportunity for free expression. Currently, the combination of Jewish and Christian values is called Judeo-Christian and concerned with its adherents being “god fearing,” and following the commands as received from on high.

All of which sounds fine but ignores the reality that humans are to create lives in accordance with the rules imposed on them in Eden. Adam and Eve blew that idea right off the bat and Cain quickly followed suit. A and E were the first pleasure seekers, trying to find something better than their immediate lives and Cain personified hurt ego run wild. You'd think the early wise men would have figured out that humans were the flies in the religious ointment and in a sense they did. Do this and don't do that were the response to humanity's natural proclivities taking up so much time that there was little left over for fun. The Catholics (perhaps other Christians) insist that sex, in the face of all rational experience, is only for procreation and must not occur without that motivation. In reality, one might argue that sex is the point of it all and procreation was added to it rather than vice versa. The Puritans brought themselves to this continent not because of persecutions but because they would not tolerate what they believed to be the loose Christianity of England. When they got here they established their own rules of social conduct, much stricter than the English variety but pretty soon they began to lose to the new American society that gradually built up pre-revolution. By today's standards, our forefathers were at least substance abusers if not alcoholics. The ale houses proliferated and people spent their time there where not working. Contrary to religious demands, they were having fun.
We continue to struggle with such issues today. Sex for pleasure is still anathema for a huge percentage of our population. Abortions are hated because they appear to eliminate the negative consequences of the sex act. Booze has taken an unyielding grasp of the nation but any other substance is feared and hated. Marijuana is absurdly classified as a class 1 narcotic and totally banned when in truth it is a safer drug than alcohol.
These struggles are pushed by the religious folk who deem pleasure seeking as an alliance with the devil. People who do it the wrong way, or are improvident and worthy of punishment. The missionaries to “primitive” peoples insisted that women be on bottom and men on top as the “Godly” way. Not so long ago birth control was banned and even now effective morning after pills are challenged because they seem to abort a fertilized egg.
So, are we simply animals or is there some ineffable spark of who knows what that separates us from the rest of the crowd. Absent any proof, much less evidence, we must accept that we are animals and try to live accordingly. Remember Epicurus' injunction: all pleasure is good, not all pleasure is good for you and have fun in its wonderful variety.

There is simply no way to measure
The ways tried to stamp out our pleasure.
If it feels much too nice
They call it a vice.
And find chores to fill up our leisure.

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